News From PCCA...



Dear Members and Friends of PCCA:Hurricane Hugo devastatedsm

As you know and have heard over the past couple of weeks, Hurricane Maria has wreaked havoc and devastating destruction over the entire island of Puerto Rico. Also, many of you know that longtime PCCA member, past president, and Hall of Famer Steve Spears and his wife, Flory, have their business and live on this beautiful island.

Supplies and financial assistance are needed now, but as is the case in all these many catastrophic situations, it is difficult to know the most efficient and effective means to achieve the most bang for your buck. We have been in contact with Steve Spears over the past couple of weeks, and in his words:

"Sending goods at this time creates more things stuck in the pipelines. The water and generator shipment put together by my good friend and fellow PCCA member Steve Pauk and ordered pre-storm have not arrived as the boats and docks are over full. I believe at this time, checks to relief agencies and charitable organizations on the island can actually make a faster impact. I am seeing a mass migration of elderly and sick whose families have the resources to move them out. Those left behind are in for a long ride. Also, I'm seeing a migration of students who lose a semester or more of education if they stay. Adriana Berrios Gonzalez (2017 PCCA scholarship recipient) is one of many of these."

Obviously, the needs are great and will continue for many, many months. However, what a great opportunity we have to make a significant impact on helping our fellow Americans through giving to the PCCA Foundation, who through the advice and direction of our resident Puerto Ricans, Steve & Flory Spears, will make sure our donations make an immediate and effective impact.

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Please give this your most heartfelt and immediate attention. You can direct your questions to Tim or Mike at the PCCA office. Steve Spears will be continually updating us on the impact and ongoing needs either in funds or goods to get this part of America and its people back up and going again.


The PCCA Foundation